Support Animals

If a chameleon can be a support animal, then why not a Holstein calf?

I grew up on a dairy farm. When I was ten years old, one of my chores was bottle-feeding the newborn calves. One calf, just a few days old, wasn’t doing well. Dad called Doc Steiner, our livestock veterinarian. After examining her, Doc treated the calf, sprayed the manure off his boots, and headed back to his truck.

He thought I was out of earshot when he said, “I’ve done what I can. I don’t expect she’ll be alive in the morning.”

I gave the calf a pep talk, convincing her to get well, while Dad handed me his red hankie. We laid down fresh straw together, hoping for the best.

Early the next morning, we found her standing at the gate, bawling to be fed. Dad pulled off his cap and scratched his head with a gleam in his eye. I gave him a wink, sharing a smile of satisfaction

And from that day forward, she was more than just a calf; she was my emotional support Holstein.


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